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Posted: Sat Aug 15, 2009 10:47 pm
by blade888
billyboy wrote:
spunkybob wrote:ok..... ENOUGH WITH THE RIMS......

Oh btw, ABC Cabs called & they want their rims back... :P

Sorry, couldn't resist.

omg roflol. Jade and I are on the train and we read that and started laughing. That's classic!

Yeah dun worry spunk I only recently got off my stock VR 16"s and when I showed my car when I first got it to a couple of mates last year, first thing 2 of them said, when you gonna get some decent rims?

Posted: Sat Aug 15, 2009 10:48 pm
by spunkybob
for all the crap i gotz i should drive up there to make numbers. Like I do go for the Broncos and all.

Posted: Sat Aug 15, 2009 11:05 pm
by Loki

I did mate when I got home earlier. You're a classic and you are right if you like the wheels it doesn't matter how much mileage we get commenting about them :P

Posted: Sat Aug 15, 2009 11:10 pm
by Mizta B
+1 added Spunkybob
Ya gotta have a sense of humour around us dont you mate?

Posted: Sat Aug 15, 2009 11:46 pm
by billyboy
My pics :)


Posted: Sun Aug 16, 2009 12:44 am
by Ozie
Great stuff!
good meet up everyone 15 was a great turn out.
i still get a kick out of how good our members are, it was great to catch up with you all.
Peanut you freak me out!!!
your ride has gone from looking like an old scratchy ES to looking super stealth,
you deserve some credit for what you have achieved on your car over a short amount of time.
The Party hat dragging behind on your car at the end was the highlight of the day for me. very funny stuff!!

Tenchi, talking about scratchy ES's, The Tench Miester lived up to his reputation today,
He and his Man Cannon captured pictures of magical wonder lol......geez his pic's are goooood!
i can't wait to see em'
spareparts & Mizta B kept getting there heads into all the shots lol....

Great BBQ skills by Mizta B, i want him cooking all the Barbies from now on.

Mattigins out did himself by leading the cruise to the BBQ at 100 miles an hour!!!
so then everyone got lost!,
i have to admit it was a bit funny seeing everyone coming back to the start point.
luckily me, Jamie and spareparts stayed there for stragglers.
~ then we drove around there real slow....!

Lzy_eye was fixated with his new side skirts......he would not stop talking about them......yah to the power of sikaflex!
& yes Shane is does look better, but the battle continues!

We had three different models of the Sportback along, which was great..!
I found out something new about the Sportback Wing??
Its Different Between Models, The VRX one is Bigger!
I think Blade wants to get one!!!!!!!
he was jealous of Loki's Wing!

the cake was gooood!!
i loved the fluffiness & it was so moist. nice work bec!!!

Thanks to everyone who came along today, it was really enjoyable and we have to organise something similar soon.

Posted: Sun Aug 16, 2009 12:50 am
I think peanut started with a VR..... just before he lets rip on ya :P

I think my car is progressing nicely even if it just does look like a stock VRX atm!!!!! Once I get the rest of my bits it will be even better!!!!

Can't wait till the next one it is just a friendly laid back experience.....

Posted: Sun Aug 16, 2009 1:07 am
by Ozie
peanut knows what i am talking about.
+ now i think about it, Tenchi's is a VR too...

yeah lzy we need to plan another soon, you can be in charge of the planning if you want.
we should do that overnighter trip near forster and camp or something.
any ideas?

Posted: Sun Aug 16, 2009 1:14 am
Forster is a nice drive.... camping is good.... just depends on what sort of gear everyone has.... me personally have bugger all camping gear now :(

Maybe we can start up a Suggestion thread and get some ideas from the masses :D That way we get a nice selection of ideas and can mix it up!! There are so many different options.

I was thinking a cruise up to wollombi would be good for a day thing and maybe have lunch at the pub.

Posted: Sun Aug 16, 2009 1:21 am
by Ozie
yeah something?
what ever you think would be good.

near forster though.....coastal.
+we can alway get cabins or

but tenting it out is great fun in a group.

Posted: Sun Aug 16, 2009 5:15 am
by aussie027
WOW guys, looks like an awesome meet/cruise.

If it wasn't for that pesky little 4000KM drive from Perth I would have loved to be there to meet everyone and check out every ones rides.

15 is going to be hard to beat!!!

Posted: Sun Aug 16, 2009 6:31 am
Nah 15 will be easy for us to beat up here hahahahaha watch us!!!

Posted: Sun Aug 16, 2009 8:39 am
by Loki
SIR-VRX wrote:Nah 15 will be easy for us to beat up here hahahahaha watch us!!!

You may beat us for numbers .... but you will never have a .....


:lol: :twisted:

And his steelie rims!

Posted: Sun Aug 16, 2009 9:49 am
by spunkybob

OZIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CHANGING MY SIG AGAIN!!!!!!! :twisted:

Posted: Sun Aug 16, 2009 9:55 am
by Josh_Emerton
Complete with Police-issue steelies!