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Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2011 4:17 pm
by The X
bd-850 wrote:Pete it happened today again [img:638fdf3df8][1].PNG[/img:638fdf3df8] the ever so popular CCJ Image uploader failed once again try again [img:638fdf3df8][/img:638fdf3df8]

you only ever give me problems to fix. :) That's pretty image uploader fail, I suspect it because the filename has square brackets in it and the phpbb software is trying to interpret the [ 1 ] as a phpbb tag... perhaps. THat's my theory at the moment. I'll try and have a look at it when I get time. tonight whislt at work I want to set aside time and fix the photobucket/imageshack/facebook/etc image slurper...
As for the chat going off screen, it's a minor annoyance which seems to be a pre-existing (pre my time) bug, it;s probably way down my list of priorities at the moment. Next time it happens can you go back to the main CCJ menu and back into chat and let me know if it does the same thing. I want to know if it's a particular way a particualr chat post is entered or just a stylesheet issue with going from portrait -> landscape > portait ....

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2011 4:21 pm
by bd-850
ok Pete i will stop trying to help :P

as for the CCJ Image uploader it was a simple cut and paste of the link.

when i go landscape it fits the whole chat in, but not portrait. and when you go "Home" then back into chat its still the same.

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2011 4:16 am
by The X
Photoshackbook Image Slurper is alive!
OK, another thing fixed. Photobucket/Imageshack/Facebook images are now allowed. I've had to re-write the code. It now copes with image tags in capitals i.e. "[IMG]" as opposed to "[img], as it the case with Photobucket's one click copy and paste feature where the Photobucket direct links [IMG] tags are in capitals. Also code changes have been made to enhance it from only coping with JPG type images and only working for Photobucket, to being able to cope with valid GIF/JPG/PNG/BMP/TIF image types and be able to copy (slurp) the images from the original Photobucket/Imageshack/Facebook locations to the local server and substitute the the [img] locations to the file locally. So in the event someone deletes their Photoshackbook gallery, the images will exist locally and the post will still make sense, especially those how to's.

Please test it out, let me know if you manage to break it - I've coded for most eventualities for user error/stupidity.

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2011 5:13 am
by SAM-24A
Top *thumb* Award for that "FIX" Pete ..... :D

Sam ... :wink:

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2011 9:33 am
by Mizta B
Cheers Pete
Photobucket is handy I have piccies there so that helps a lot
Top marks for your ongoing efforts mate
Regards Chris *clap2*