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RAL /// ART Number plates (NSW)

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RAL /// ART Number plates (NSW)

Postby SIR-VRX » Sun Feb 21, 2010 8:00 pm

Found this on MLGA for those who are interested

Bloody bargain if you ask me

Hi all, my brothers father in law bought his black Ralliart Magna straight off the Newcastle Mitsubishi showroom floor back in 2002 and ended up getting the car with the Mitsubishi customised RAL///ART number plates on it.
These are the most highly sort after combination for RALLIART out of all the plate combinations in NSW.
As the story goes, Mitsubishi were not going to let go of the rego plates with the car as they were only meant for showroom promotional and marketing purposes for Ralliart edition models only, including the Evolution 6.5 Tommi Makkinen editions.
However, Mitsubishi had no choice but to let them go as the agreement at the time was that the car was to be sold ‘as is’ off the showroom floor.
Paperwork was finalised, they prepared the car for handover etc but were not going to supply the plates.
He kicked up a stink about it and in the end Mitsubishi had no choice but to let the car go with the plates on it ‘as per showroom floor’
I'd dare say that they were destined to stay in Mitsubishi's possession all this time and used for other upcoming Ralliart edition models such as the Colt, Magna, Lancer, EVO etc.

Anyway, the plates have been on the Magna ever since new and proudly displaying its Ralliart heritage.
There are no other combinations left in the RTA remotely similar to RALLIART anymore as they are probably used for Mitsubishi or Ralliart marketing purposes.
These were genuine Mitsubishi owned plates and RTA date stamped on the back of them in the year 2002.

My brother purchased the Ralliart Magna from him last year but already have customised plates of their own that they’ve put on the car instead.
The Ralliart plates were removed and we pre-paid $460 to have them put into RTA storage til July 2010.
This means if somebody gets them they can transfer them into their name (normal RTA transfer fee applies) and display them for a few months at no cost for customised plates.

He would like to see them go to someone who is genuinely interested in them as an enthusiast - either for their Mitsubishi Ralliart edition model, competition car, their business, or as a collector’s item.

This is not an attempt to sell the plates for some rediculous amount like some other customised plates do... not by any sense.
So if you thought $20,000 you’ld be wrong. We’re not asking $15,000 not even $10,000.
He's not even going to ask $5,000 for them. But for plates such as this he cant just give them away either as their heritage and combination is too important to have them destroyed.
Therefore they’re asking for offers around $2,000-$2,500.
If you are going to pay an annual fee for some number plates anyway, then why not get something special like this.

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It's here: http://miragelancer.com/mlga2/entry/vie ... =72&t=6264

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